Victory Bible Institute Mityana

Train- Lead- Guide


VBI Mityana was founded in July 2018 by Tony & Susan Thompson missionaries from Australia.

VBI Mityana is a branch of VBI Uganda, an affiliate of VBI Tulsa, OK. USA. Bishop Peter Mutebi of New Testament Evangelical Church, Kitintale Kampala, Uganda has been operating VBI since 2000 in various locations in Uganda.

Our mission is to train village pastors & leaders in the Word of God along with mentoring & standing with them in their God given assignments.  Many village Pastors are sustenance farmers and cannot afford the average priced city training plus the distance in travel. Due to generous supporters, we can offer Certificate & Diploma Courses (Check out below) at affordable prices.

Our future vision:

  1. To build a purpose-built campus for the following reasons:
  • Live on Campus Diploma course including skill training
  • Skill training for weekly students
  • Farming Land for training in ‘Farming Gods Way’ plus husbandry
  • Library, Computer room & multipurpose training rooms
  • Main campus for our VBI hubs in other districts
  • Conference Centre
  • Community Learning Centre for families
  • Training Café/ Salon/Boutique
  • Playground
  1. To have a fulltime program reaching out to different village areas working with the local pastors, supporting them in Evangelism & Discipleship

About our Certificate Course:

  • One year course, one day per week (Saturday or Thursday) for 36 weeks (3 Terms)
  • Teaches the foundational subjects (23) listed below
  • Affordable
  • Lessons and textbooks are in both English and Luganda for easy communication.
  • Chapel services/Worship/Personal prayer/
  • Library access & Lending
  • Mentoring
  • Morning Tea & Lunch included in fees
  • Textbooks included in fees
  • Graduation costs included in fees

Subject List:

  1. The Word
  2. Renewing the Mind
  3. Kingdom of God
  4. Gifts of the Spirit
  5. Character of God
  6. Righteousness
  7. Faith that changes the world
  8. Principles of Prayer
  9. Doctrine of Angels
  10. Last Days Doctrines
  11. Authority of the Believer
  12. Character of the Believer
  13. Praise Life
  14. Ministering unto the Lord
  15. Biblical Prosperity
  16. Divine Health
  17. Marriage & Family
  18. Life of Christ
  19. Personal Evangelism
  20. Old Testament Survey 1
  21. Old Testament Survey 2
  22. New Testament Survey 1
  23. New Testament Survey 2

About our Diploma Course:

  • Follows the Certificate course for another year, one day per week for 36 weeks (3 Terms)
  • Teaches foundations for ministry. This course is especially suggested for Pastors & Leaders. Subjects listed below
  • Many of the subjects have a Practical element, subjects listed with a *
  • Affordable
  • Lessons and textbooks are in both English and Luganda for easy communication.
  • Chapel services/ Worship/ Personal prayer/
  • Library access & borrowing
  • Mentoring
  • Morning Tea & Lunch included in fees
  • Textbooks included in fees
  • Graduation costs included in fees

Subject List:

  1. Spiritual Leadership
  2. Ministry Gifts
  3. Life of Prayer
  4. How to Study the Bible *
  5. Book of Acts
  6. The Church
  7. Foundations of Ministry
  8. Foundations of Teaching*
  9. Life & Work of a Pastor
  10. Missions
  11. Outreach ministries*
  12. Practical Ministries
  13. Cell Groups*
  14. How to Preach*
  15. Book of John
  16. Children’s Ministry*
  17. Birth of a Church
  18. Counselling