Victory Bible Institute is now in in its third term for 2024. We have 97 students about to graduate from our four campuses. The Graduation Ceremony will be held on 25th January 2025. Our Mityana Campus Diploma students are on their Outreach at Ssekanyonyi for three days. Kalamba Campus Diploma students are going on 21st to do evangelism and crusade.
Victory Life Church has the youth meeting this week at 'Smart Beach' the youth will enjoy games and have a devotion time where they are welcome to ask questions about real life and Gods heart on these issues.
Our Shining Stars (Children Church) is growing to over 50 children attending regulary.
The family group are in week 4 of the Family
Challenge. Each week the families are encouraged to sit together and read, discuss, pray and worship together.
Introducing Pastor Martin Sebuguzi. Martin is one of our teachers at VBI plus he has the important role of Translator and Editor of our textbooks and other documents.
Martin and his wife Sylvia have a passion for God and the Truth of His word. They have a church in their village plus a primary school headed by his wife.